Back trolling – or “plugging” as we call it – on the Kenai River is a great way to catch salmon of every species, rainbow trout, and Dolly Varden char. Plugging is also the best way to fish with younger kids because of the ease in which we present the lure and the fact that we can put the rods in rod holders and let the kiddos reel in every fish that bites. When the salmon, trout, or char hit a plug it’s usually an explosive wallop that bends the rod from rod tip to rod butt. Plugging is done best when all anglers are sitting down in the comfortable swivel seats in the drift boat and rods are in a rod holder, or being held by the anglers. This makes for an enjoyable easy going float down the river where we cherry pick the sweet spots we want to fish. Having the rods in the rod holders allows you the freedom to have your camera or iPhone ready for any wildlife or scenery photos that you want to take. Holding the rods allows you to feel the plug running through the holes and feel the smackdown when your lure gets hit. On some trips people switch from holding the rod to using a rod holder depending on what is happening in the boat. A plug is nothing more than a lipped crankbait that dives to certain depths depending on speed of water currents and how fast we let the boat drop downstream with the current. On the Kenai River we use several different styles and sizes of plugs for the different species we target as well as the different holes we fish. Most people want to see everyone in the boat catching lots of fish and the fact that you can take turns on who gets to reel the fish in or trade seats to sit in front of the hot rod makes it an equal opportunity fishing experience everyone loves. It’s not uncommon for the guides at Jason’s Guide Service to have a few different options for the style of fishing in the boat. Some days we will plug fish and drift fish the same day or plug fish and fly fish the same day. Everyday is different on the Kenai and versatility and variety usually makes for a more successful day on the river. Plug fishing on the Kenai River is one of, if not the most effective way, to catch fish of any species anytime of the year, and is a fun way to fish the Kenai River all day or part of the day. |
Understanding The Elements In The Great Land
Alaska is known as the Last Frontier or The Great Land. It is a huge state with diverse weather patterns. As our Anchorage, AK pink