Sockeye Salmon, everybody want’s one…maybe 25 or 35. Sockeye Salmon sport fish or subsistence fish? Sockeye Salmon mean dollar bills to many, and means food to others. Sockeye Salmon mean entertainment to those who catch them with rod n reel or net. Sockeye Salmon are the life blood of the Kenai Rivers rainbow trout and Dolly Varden Char.
Who decided that the Kenai River is the place for Alaskans to come and catch as many Sockeye Salmon as they can over a three weekend period. How many people are throwing away salmon to go kill 25 more? How many people are stopping at Portage Alaska’s animal farm and dropping all there left over dip netted Sockeye Salmon so they can dip net more?
July is the season were all of Alaska comes to the Kenai Peninsula to to slay Salmon, drive like lunatics and litter everywhere and anywhere.
Thank you very little to the people that come down to the Kenai and take more fish than they want or need and litter there way across the state.
Preparing For Your Kenai River Fishing Adventure With Jason’s Guide Service
Embarking on a guided fishing trip with Jason’s Guide Service is more than just a day on the water—it’s an opportunity to create lasting memories,