drift boat on the Kenai River

Preparing for Your Kenai River Fishing Trip: Safety Tips & Best Practices

The Kenai River, one of Alaska’s most pristine and beautiful waterways, gives anglers an unforgettable fishing experience. If you’re a fishing enthusiast, you’ll enjoy the thrill of reeling in trophy-sized rainbow trout, feisty salmon, and other captivating fish.

However, as with any outdoor adventure, you must prioritize safety.

In this blog, we’ll explore the most important Kenai River fishing safety tips. As you plan your upcoming adventure, keep these practices in mind to guarantee a safe and enjoyable experience on this majestic river.

1. Weather and Water Conditions

Before you embark on your Kenai River fishing trip, check the weather forecast and water conditions. Prepare yourself for a range of temperatures.

Keep an eye out for rain, wind, and even snow (depending on the season). Once you know what to expect, you’ll be able to pack the right clothing and gear accordingly.

Kenai River’s water levels and flows vary depending on rainfall, snowmelt, and dam releases. Keep an eye on the river conditions before your trip. Check online resources like the United States Geological Survey (USGS) or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Higher water levels can create more challenging fishing conditions, while lower levels may make certain sections of the river more accessible. Be prepared to adjust your fishing plans based on the current river conditions.

Recommended Read: Prime Time to be on the Kenai

2. Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs)

Personal floatation devices, also known as life jackets or PFDs, are essential safety gear for anyone participating in water-based activities, including fishing on the Kenai River. PFDs provide buoyancy and help keep you afloat in the event of an unexpected water entry, ensuring your safety during your fishing adventure.

Select a PFD appropriate for your size, weight, and intended activity. Look for a PFD that’s US Coast Guard-approved and has a suitable weight capacity for your body weight. The PFD should fit comfortably, allowing for unrestricted movement while casting and reeling.

A PFD with multiple adjustment points will provide the best fit. We also recommend selecting high-visibility colors like bright orange, yellow, and green. These colors are easily spotted by other boaters and rescue personnel in case of an emergency, increasing your chances of being seen and assisted quickly.

Some PFDs come with additional features that can enhance your safety and convenience while fishing. Look for PFDs with built-in whistle, reflective tape, or strobe light attachments, which can aid in signaling for help in emergencies.

Pockets and attachment points for fishing gear (e.g., pliers, line cutters, or fly boxers) can also help keep essential items close at hand. A PFD can only protect you if you’re wearing it. Keep this in mind. Wear your PFD at all times while on or near the water, regardless of your swimming ability.

3. Dress Appropriately

an angler holding freshly caught fish on the Kenai River

Alaska’s weather can be unpredictable. Proper clothing will keep you warm, dry, comfortable, and safe. Layering is the key to staying warm and comfortable in Alaska’s variable climate.

Start with a moisture-wicking base layer to help regulate your body temperature and wick sweat away from your skin. Add an insulating mid-layer (e.g., fleece or down) for added warmth. Finish with a breathable, waterproof outer layer to protect yourself from wind, rain, and splashes.

Adjust your layers throughout the day as needed to maintain a comfortable temperature. We also recommend investing in high-quality waterproof gear like rain jackets, rain pants, and waterproof boots or waders. Wet clothing can quickly lead to hypothermia, even in relatively mild temperatures. Waterproof gear will keep you dry and warm.

Wear a suitable hat or cap to protect your head from the sun, wind, and cold. In colder weather, choose a warm hat that covers your ears, e.g., a beanie or fleece-lined cap. For sun protection, opt for a wide-brimmed hat or a cap with a neck flap to shield your face, ears, and neck from harmful UV rays.

4. Communication and Emergency Plan

If you want to enjoy a safe and enjoyable Kenai River fishing trip, create a communication and emergency plan. Inform someone about your plans beforehand, including your destination, expected route, and the duration of your trip.

This information will help them notify authorities in case you fail to return as scheduled or if they have concerns about your safety.

Cell phone coverage can be spotty or non-existent in some areas along the Kenai River. Consider carrying a satellite phone, two-way radios, or a personal location beacon (PLB) to stay connected with your group or call for help in case of an emergency.

Familiarize yourself with the local emergency numbers and procedures in the area where you’ll be fishing. In case of an emergency, you should know who to call and which information to provide.

Lastly, make sure you thoroughly research the area where you’ll be fishing. You should be aware of any local hazards like wildlife, swift currents, or hazardous weather conditions. Knowing what to expect and how to respond to potential dangers will help keep you and your group safe.

5. Be Bear Aware

a bear spotted in the Kenai River

Bear spray is a highly effective deterrent in case of a bear encounter. Make sure you have a can of EPA-approved bear spray ready to use. You should also know the right way to use it. Take some time to read the instructions and practice removing the safety clip beforehand. This will help you get comfortable with its operation before you have to use it urgently.

Bears are less likely to approach groups of people. Fishing with friends or booking a guided trip with a Kenai River fishing guide is a great way to minimize the risk of a bear encounter or stay safe should you see one.

Your Kenai River Adventure Is Right Around the Corner!

Are you excited about your upcoming fishing excursion? If you’re looking for an experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable guide, Jason’s Guide Service should be your first stop.

Whether you’re interested in salmon fishing, rainbow trout fishing, or Dolly Varden fishing, we’ll make sure you have a delightful time.

Book now! It’s time to explore the wonderful opportunities the Kenai River has to offer. If you have any questions, our team is always happy to help.

The Best Time to Fish the Kenai River

If you ask a guide in the Lower 48 when the best time to fish a particular species on their body of water would be, they will always say, “When they’re biting.” In Alaska when you ask a guide when the best time to be fishing is, they will tell you, “At the peak of the run,” if you are fishing for salmon, and “Anytime,” if you are fishing for trout or char.

Every summer droves of anglers show up from all corners of the world to try their hand at catching one of Alaska’s pacific salmon. Sockeye salmon, and silver salmon are the most sought after with king salmon being a close second or third. The chum and pink salmon are fun to catch but don’t make the best table fare compared to the others.

Summer time is when the sockeye salmon are moving up the Kenai, but that can be a very busy time both on and off the river. Silver salmon start showing up in numbers at the end of August and run good until the end of October.

The big masses of visitors starts to wane as school starts and the weather cools which leaves lots of opportunity for the angler who wants less crowds and great fishing.  The fall fishing on the Kenai is also when the rainbow trout and Dolly Varden char fishing is hitting it’s peak.

From the last 10 days of August until October 31st, I spend 90 percent of my time on the water doing combo trips for silver salmon, rainbow trout, and char.  We usually trout fish from one great spot to another great spot catching as many huge trout and char as possible. Then we float into the silver spots and fish the salmon until we catch them all out of that hole or they get lock jaw and won’t bite anymore.

Silver salmon are no different than any other fish. Somedays they are hard to keep off the hook and other days they make you work hard to get a sniff, but with time on the water you can usually make something happen.

The truth is I love fishing the Kenai River all year long, but my favorite time to fish this incredible resource is in late fall starting the last two weeks of September through October for Silver salmon, rainbows, and char.

The most enjoyable part of silver salmon fishing is the fact that I can incorporate a lot of different options to catch them. I can use my fly rod, casting and stripping line for them. I can cast spinners and spoons with my spinning gear or run plugs with my casting rods by back trolling. There’s nothing like running big drifts with my float rods and I can do this and all the others the same day.

Of course, I’m blessed to get lots and lots of days on the Kenai River every year and love to use all the tools in my tool box. I’m a purist and I just love to fish and believe a good guide should master all the disciplines of the sport in order to create the best possible time on the river with my anglers.

If you want to see Alaska and the Kenai River with less people and fish the scrappy silver salmon, the fall time is the right time to come to Cooper Landing and fish with Jason’s Guide Service. Fall is without a doubt the perfect time for that combo trip where we fish for silver salmon, target some trout and add some char to the mix. Trust me when I say it doesn’t get any better.