Theres two kinds of Sockeye fishermen, those that get it and those that don’t. When your not hooking them in the mouth you need to make adjustments. Water levels, water speed, and depth all make a difference in the size of leader and how much buoyancy your fly should have. The presentation is about getting it in there mouth and that takes the right weight to “bait” combo. When you can’t seem to hook em in the mouth make these adjustments and it might help. #fishingthekenai
The second run sockeyes and the rainbows
The second run of sockeye salmon are starting to show up in the Kenai. When the river is choked out with sockeye it affects the Rainbow’s, the trout change there patterns because of the salmon, and it can be trickier to catch them. It’s time to fish were the salmon aren’t and the food is, it’s the time of year when big hatches happen, when flesh fresh and old is everywhere, and the smolt, sculpins, and leeches are still in the river too. Don’t hesitate to fish “classic” trout patterns as well as all the Alaska favorites if you want consistency on the water. This could be you. So visit