Control the Controllables

What’s the best time to fish, morning or evening, when is the salmon run the best, when should we book our trip, these are just a few of the many questions we get as guides, that have no right or wrong answer.  As a fair chase fishing guide on the legendary Kenai River, I get to see and experience it all.  I can’t predict the weather or the salmon runs.  I don’t know when the best of the day is gonna happen until it happens.  I deal with Mother Nature and what she throws my way daily.  What I do know is that a good guide controls the controllable’s and let’s Mother Nature take care of the rest.  Control the controllable’s means you use the best gear, have a clean boat, show up on time, have all the local up to date knowledge on the fishery, and are willing to crawl across barb-wire and broken glass to give your people a great fishing trip.  So when you pick a guide to fish with on the Kenai River pick one that controls the controllable’s and you’ll have a great trip.

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